May 5, 2023

Hello May! With summer right around the corner, we have officially entered road trip season and that means you need your vehicle to be in tip-top shape to get you from the morning hike to your afternoon at the beach and still make it to the concert later that night. But let’s face it, all that running around can do some wear and tear on your vehicle and when that happens it is important to get your vehicle detailed and clean sooner than later.

If you skip out on giving your vehicle a good old scrubba dub dub, you could potentially cause damage to your vehicle’s exterior, which is bad because not only does it look bad but it also brings the value of your vehicle down. So, this week we want to help ensure your vehicle looks as good as it feels to drive, and if you’re driving a Nissan that feels pretty great. Take a few minutes to learn some tips for cleaning your vehicle’s exterior and if you have any questions feel free to give us a call! If you’re not about the DIY maintenance, no problem, just schedule a service appointment with us and we can get your ride sparkling again in no time!

Loughead Nissan’s Tips For Detailing Your Exterior: 

Rule #1: Only use products meant for cleaning automobiles:

  • Using cleaners like dish soap or laundry detergent can strip away your car’s wax leaving the finish unprotected, unlike products meant for automobiles which actually loosens the grime and dirt while nourishing your finish.

Rule #2: Wash your car in the shade:

  • Always wash your car in the shade, if the water dries on the finish before you’ve had a chance to dry it, it could cause spotting.
  • Washing in the shade is also important because a bead of water on the car’s finish can act as a magnifying glass multiplying the heat of the sun and ruining the finish.
  • The best way to start of the car washing is the give the car a good rinse down with the hose just to life and wash away dirt and grime. After that use bug and tar remover for the hard to get spots (give 2-3 minutes to soak.)
  • Next, fill two buckets of water put the recommended amount of car soap into one bucket and leave the second with plain water.
  • Starting from the top of the car down, gently use a microfiber glove to scrub down the car. Following each application of soapy water wash the glove in clean water before wiping down the car.

Rule #3:  Do not wash your tires with car soap:

  • Wheels require a special cleaner to safely remove brake dust and road grime. And on top of that wheel protectant safeguards the wheel and helps reduce brake dust build up for future cleanings!

Rule #4: Do a final rinse the dry right away:

  • To help minimize the chance of water spots don’t spray the hose just let it run freely over the surface, which helps prevent water beading.
  • Use your microfiber glove/cloth to wipe down the, it’s never a good idea to just let it air dry because of spotting and beading.